
No pain no gain

Gym Thursday. My favorite gym class with my favorite instructor and... with my new favorite gym partner Luisa. The ods for a good gym day was high until Luisa convinced me to do two classes in a row instead of just the normal one. The two gym classes matches each other very well but together it gets very very hard. Just 2-3 very fit girls plus the one and only man in the class do them both. The first one contains of 1/3 quite complicated aerobics as a warm up for the mind and body, 1/3 upper body pumping and 1/3 abs. The second class contains of 2/4 legs, 1/4 bums and 1/4 abs and then some stretching and calm down. Perfect, isn't it? The two classes together becomes a total body class! The only problem is that we are walking out with legs that no longer keeps us up straight. But like Mario, the instructor, said when my legs where aching and shaking during the class, no pain no gain. For those who only wanna go to the gym once or twice a week this is the perfect class to to as for sure it gives results.

After the two hours at the gym Luisa and I practically crawled home for dinner and then we places ourselves in the sofa and didn't move until it was time to go to bed. Do I need to say I slept very well tonight? :)



  1. I really love going to gym to build some muscles and at the same time meet some gym buddies. It is great to know you. Thank you for sharing.

  2. if that is ur abbs u should be more than happy with myself... it is my dream!

  3. I wish but no, its not me on the pic :)


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